Clarke Concerto (CD)




Clarke Concerto (CD)  Released on July 8, 2016, the Dutton Vocalion album (CDLX7329) includes the Hallé Orchestra and virtuoso violist Sarah-Jane Bradley performing the first ever commercially-released recording of Ruth Lomon’s orchestrated version of Rebecca Clarke’s Viola Sonata as well as world premieres of works by Benjamin Dale, Richard Walthew and Harry Waldo Warner. According to Dutton Vocalion, “Ruth Lomon’s orchestration of Rebecca Clarke’s Viola Sonata is splendidly authentic, emphasising the romantic sensibility latent in Clarke’s piano score.”

Richard Bratby writing in Gramophone enthuses:

Rebecca Clarke’s Viola Concerto  … is music to change the world. … An idiomatic and sensitive orchestration by Ruth Lomon of Clarke’s superb Sonata. Everything here is played with love. Bradley makes a beautiful sound: her tone is warm but focused and she has that rare gift of making her instrument sound as if it’s on the brink of articulate speech. Bell and the Hallé are wonderfully mellow and expressive partners (never just accompanists), and Dutton’s engineers let their sound bloom.  The Clarke is the highlight: orchestrations of chamber works rarely improve on the original but anything that brings Clarke to a wider audience is worthwhile – especially when played with such poetry and ardour.

Audio Samples

I. Impetuoso     
MP3jPLAYLISTS.inline_0 = [ { name: "I. Impetuoso", formats: ["mp3"], mp3: "aHR0cDovL3d3dy5yZWJlY2NhY2xhcmtlLm9yZy93cC1jb250ZW50L3VwbG9hZHMvMjAxMi8wNy9EdXR0b24tY29uY2VydG8tQ0QubXAz", counterpart:"", artist: "", image: "", imgurl: "" } ]; MP3jPLAYERS[1] = { list: MP3jPLAYLISTS.inline_0, tr:0, type:'single', lstate:'', loop:false, play_txt:'     ', pause_txt:'     ', pp_title:'', autoplay:false, download:false, vol:100, height:'' };


II. Vivace     
MP3jPLAYLISTS.inline_1 = [ { name: "II. Vivace", formats: ["mp3"], mp3: "aHR0cDovL3d3dy5yZWJlY2NhY2xhcmtlLm9yZy93cC1jb250ZW50L3VwbG9hZHMvMjAxMi8wNy9EdXR0b24tY29uY2VydG8tQ0QtSUkubXAz", counterpart:"", artist: "", image: "", imgurl: "" } ]; MP3jPLAYERS[2] = { list: MP3jPLAYLISTS.inline_1, tr:0, type:'single', lstate:'', loop:false, play_txt:'     ', pause_txt:'     ', pp_title:'', autoplay:false, download:false, vol:100, height:'' };


III. Adagio     
MP3jPLAYLISTS.inline_2 = [ { name: "III. Adagio", formats: ["mp3"], mp3: "aHR0cDovL3d3dy5yZWJlY2NhY2xhcmtlLm9yZy93cC1jb250ZW50L3VwbG9hZHMvMjAxMi8wNy9EdXR0b24tY29uY2VydG8tQ0QtSUlJLm1wMw==", counterpart:"", artist: "", image: "", imgurl: "" } ]; MP3jPLAYERS[3] = { list: MP3jPLAYLISTS.inline_2, tr:0, type:'single', lstate:'', loop:false, play_txt:'     ', pause_txt:'     ', pp_title:'', autoplay:false, download:false, vol:100, height:'' };


Ending of Mvt. III     
MP3jPLAYLISTS.inline_3 = [ { name: "Ending of Mvt. III", formats: ["mp3"], mp3: "aHR0cDovL3d3dy5yZWJlY2NhY2xhcmtlLm9yZy93cC1jb250ZW50L3VwbG9hZHMvMjAxMi8wNy9EdXR0b24tY29uY2VydG8tQ0QtRW5kaW5nLm1wMw==", counterpart:"", artist: "", image: "", imgurl: "" } ]; MP3jPLAYERS[4] = { list: MP3jPLAYLISTS.inline_3, tr:0, type:'single', lstate:'', loop:false, play_txt:'     ', pause_txt:'     ', pp_title:'', autoplay:false, download:false, vol:100, height:'' };