Prairie Dawg Press edition of Daybreak for Voice and String Quartet – our critical analysis

Prairie Dawg Press edition – our critical analysis


– critique of edition by Prairie Dawg Press (2012), made in comparison with a photocopy of the MS score.

# (measure) /# (beat) / part

Page 1

  1. 1-2/1/vc. – Tied note G is lightly written with pencil in treble clef in MS.
  2. 2/3/vla. & vc. – slurs continue to downbeat half note in m. 4 in MS.
  3. 4/1/vln. 1 – slur continues to beat 2 of following measure in MS to match previous vocal line articulation; however, the separated slurs in PDP edition create better bow division.
  4. 5/2/vc. – Note Bb is slurred to note G in MS.
  5. 8/1/vln. 2 & vla. – slur continues into downbeat of following measure.
  6. 8/1/vc. – no slur in MS – should have brackets.
  7. 9/1/vln. 2 – eighth note G on downbeat followed by eighth note F tied to following eighth note F in MS.
  8. 9/1/vla. – no slur from beat 2 to beat 3 and no tenuto marking on beat 3 in MS – should have brackets.
  9. 9/1/vc. – quarter note D in MS followed by half note D.
  10. 10/vln. 1, vla. & vc. – no crescendo markings in MS – should have brackets.
  11. 10/vla. – no slur and no tenuto marking in MS – should have brackets.
  12. 11/vln.1, vln. 2, vla. & vc. – no mf dynamic markings in MS – should have brackets.
  13. 11/1/vln. 1 – a crescendo marking for dotted quarter note C in MS.
  14. 11/2/vln. 2 – no slur in MS – should have brackets.
  15. 11/vla. – no slur in MS – should have brackets.

Page 2

  1. 12/1/voice – eighth note beam should be broken to show text division.
  2. 12/vln. 2 – no slur on beat 1 and no slur from beat 2 into downbeat of following measure – should have brackets.
  3. 12/vla. – no slur in MS – should have brackets.
  4. 12/3/vln. 2 – no decrescendo marking into downbeat of following measure – should have brackets.
  5. 13/vln. 1 & vla. – no decrescendo markings in MS – should have brackets.
  6. 14/1/voice – pp dynamic marking in MS.
  7. 14/vln. 2 – no tenuto markings in MS – should have brackets.
  8. 15/1/vc. – espr. marking not in MS – should have brackets.
  9. 15/vc. – slur continues into beat 2 of following measure in MS. Separate slurs should have brackets.
  10. 17/vc. – slur beginning on & of 1 continues into downbeat of following measure in MS and poco marking not in MS – should have brackets.
  11. 19/vln. 1 & vc. – espr. and pp dynamic markings are not in MS – should have brackets.
  12. 19/vln. 1 – slur continues to beat 2 F-sharp in following measure in MS.
  13. 20/3/vln. 1 – all three triplet eighth notes slurred in MS.
  14. 21/1/vln. 2 & vla. – downbeat is half note in MS.
  15. 21/vla. & vc. – crescendo markings not in MS – should have brackets.
  16. 21/3/voice – triplet eighth notes beams should be broken to show text division.

Page 3

  1. 22-23/all parts – these two measures were originally 2/4 time in MS, but vaguely corrected to continue in 3/4.
  2. 22/strings – pp dynamic in MS – all other dynamics should have brackets.
  3. 22/1/vln. 2 – top note E not in MS and note B is half note tied to quarter note B on downbeat of following measure; however, this would be impossible with the pizz. marking. Based on MS, it is suggested to play lower note E and note B as pizz. quarter notes.
  4. 23/1/vc. – no note is included in MS – note B should have brackets.
  5. 26/vln. 1 – note B continues from previous measure in syncopated rhythm – eighth note, quarter note and eighth note with a crescendo throughout the measure in MS.
  6. 27/vln. 2 & vc. – mf dynamic not in MS – should have brackets.
  7. 28/voice – eighth note beam on beat 2 should be broken to show text division AND first two triplet eighth notes on beat 3 should be beamed instead of latter two to show text division.
  8. 28/vln. 2 & vc. – crescendo markings not in MS – should have brackets.
  9. 29/voice – a courtesy natural sign should be included for note F, because previous note F is sharp – in MS.
  10. 29/vln. 1 – slur ends on final note Bb of measure in MS.
  11. 29/vla. – f dynamic marking not in MS – should have brackets.
  12. 30/vln. 1 – slur begins on downbeat note A and ends on final note Bb of measure in MS.
  13. 30/3/vln. 2 – tenuto marking not in MS – should have brackets.
  14. 30/vc – slur not in MS (should have brackets) and note G on beat 3 is only lightly sketched (possibly erased) in MS.
  15. 31/vln. 1 – downbeat note Ab is half note in MS followed by eighth note G on beat 3 in MS AND p dynamic is not in MS – should have brackets.
  16. 31/2/vla. – p dynamic is not in MS – should have brackets.
  17. 31/2/vc. – half note F is included an octave below written dotted quarter note F and sixteenth notes Eb and Db in MS.

Page 4

  1. 32/1/vln. 2 & vc. – p dynamic in MS
  2. 32/1/vla. – add p dynamic – not in MS, but matches other parts.
  3. 32/vla. – tenuto marking not in MS – should have brackets.
  4. 33/all parts – a tempo marking not in MS, but necessary – should have brackets.
  5. 33/1/voice – dotted eighth note and sixteenth note beam should be broken to show text division.
  6. 33/vln. 1 – espr. marking not in MS – should have brackets AND slur ends on beat 2 of following measure in MS.
  7. 33/vln. 2 – p dynamic in MS.
  8. 33/1/vla. – add p dynamic – not in MS, but matches other parts.
  9. 34/3/vln. 1 – all three triplet eighth notes slurred in MS.
  10. 34/2/vln. 2 – p dynamic not in MS and unnecessary.
  11. 35/3/vln. 1 – all three triplet eighth notes slurred in MS, but not half note on downbeat.
  12. 35/1/vc. – p dynamic not in MS and unnecessary.
  13. 36/3/vln. 1 – all three triplet eighth notes slurred in MS, but not half note on downbeat.
  14. 37/all parts – poco rit. not in MS.
  15. 38/vln. 1 & vc. – decrescendo marking in MS.
  16. 39/vln. 1 – pp dynamic in MS.
  17. 39/vla. – espr. not in MS – should have brackets AND slur ends on beat 2 of following measure.
  18. 39/1/vc. – pp dynamic not in MS, but add to match other parts.
  19. 40/2/vln. 1 & 2 – ppp dynamic in MS instead of pp dynamic AND decrescendo markings not in MS – should have brackets.
  20. 40/3/vla. – note A is not slurred in MS AND decrescendo marking in MS to match vln. parts.
  21. 41/1/vc. – ppp dynamic in MS instead of pp dynamic.